Monday, April 27, 2009
सही प्रतिनिधि का चुनाव करे
एक समय था जब देश गुलामी की बेडियों में जकडा हुआ था जबकि आज देश आतंकवाद, गरीबी, बेरोजगारी और भ्रष्टाचार की समस्या के साथ ही आर्थिक संकट से जूझ रहा है राजनेता आजादी के बाद से ही सत्ता सुख भोग रहे है जबकि हर पांच वर्ष में एक दिन का राजा बनने वाले मतदाता अपनी कंगाली पर आंसू बहा रहे है। इसलिए जागरूक हो कर अपने मत का सदुपयोग कर देश की सत्ता पर उन लोगो को बैठाइये जो आतंकवाद का मुकाबला कर सके और देश के गरीब और निम्न आय वर्ग के लोगो की हालत में सुधार ला सके |
मतदाताओ के पास उमिदवारो को नकारने का अधिकार होना चाहिए मतदाताओ को एक ऐसा कोई बटन दबाने का अधिकार होना चाहिए जिससे वे अयोग्य उमीदवार को ठुकरा सके यद्यपि इस अधिकार के लिए अनेक लोग कहेंगे की किसी को न चुनने का विकल्प नकारात्मक विचार है लेकिन यह नकारात्मक विचार ही सकारात्मक माहोल पैदा कर सकता है |अभी सभी राजनैतिक दल बिना किसी भय और संकोच के भ्रस्ट नेताओ को चुनाव मैदान में उतार देते है क्योकि उनको इस बात की कोई चिंता नही होती की उनके उमीदवार को नकारा जा सकता है या खारिज किया जा सकता है सच तो यह है की उमिदवारो को नकारने के अधिकार के साथ -साथ मतदाताओ के पास चुने हुए भ्रष्ट नेताओ को वापस बुलाने का अधिकार भी होना चाहिए अगर कोई नेता चुनाव जितने के बाद जनता की समस्याओ को अनदेखा करता है तो जनता को पांच साल तक इंतजार करने की बजाए उस नेता को बीच में कभी भी वापस बुलाने का अधिकार जनता के पास होना चाहिए जिससे राजनैतिक दल भ्रष्ट नेताओ को चुनाव में उतारने से डरे ।
हमें नकारा लोगो को राजनीती से बहार का रास्ता दिखाने के लिए अपनी सोच में बदलाव व सही फैसले की अवसयकता है। हमें चाहिए की सही प्रतिनिधि का चुनाव करके लोकतंत्र को मजबूत बनाये ।
धन्यवाद !
posted by अनिल यादव
Friday, April 24, 2009
अहिरवाल के सवतन्त्रता सेनानी राव तुलाराम जी
अहिरवाल के सवतन्त्रता सेनानी राव तुलाराम जी
(photo by Anil Yadav)
Rao Tula Ram (c. 9 December 1825–1862) was one of the most important leaders of the 1857 revolt. He is credited with having "obliterated every vestige" of the British rule from the region that today is southwest Haryana, and also helping rebel forces fighting in the historic city of Delhi with men, money and material. Credited to be a good administrator and military commander, after the uprising petered out, he is known to have left India, met rulers of Iran and Afghanistan and also established contacts with the Czar of Russia, to seek their help to fight a war to free India from the British. His death in Kabul, on September 23, 1863, however resulted in the plan turning unsuccessful.
Early life
Rao Tula Ram was born on 9 December, 1825 to a well known Rao Bhadur Nirpur Yadav family which was belong from "RAO BHADUR GHARI-BOLNI" in village Rampura (Rewari). His Grand father Rao Tej Singh and Father was Rao Puran Singh and his mother, Rani Gyan Kaur, she was a daughter of Khitab "Choudhary" Awarded Sardar Jahari Singh of Palahawas, who was bourn in a maratha sardar family. In November 1839, Rao Tula Ram ascended the throne on the death of his father
1857 Revolt
In 1857, He led the rebellion in Haryana along with his brother Rao Bhadur Tula Ram of Ghari Bolni & Rao Gopal Dev of Nirpur. The ancestors of Raos had helped the Marathas in 1803 against the British and as a result when the later came out successful in the struggle, they confiscated their Jagir and gave instead an 'istamarari' grant of about 58 villages. This was a great blow to the Raos which shattered their position and made them unhappy with British Raj. On l7 May, 1857,the Rao went to the tehsil headquarters at Rewari with four to five hundred followers and deposed the tahsildar and thanedar. They appropriated the cash from the tehsil treasury, took all the government buildings in their possession and proclaimed, under the sanction of Emperor AAlamgir Bahadur Shah, their rule over the pargana of Rewari, Behror and Shahjahanpur. For their headquarters, they chose Rampura, a small fortified village, one mile south-west of Rewari. Tula Ram, the elder Rao became Raja and Rao Tula Ram of Ghari Bolni, Rao Ram Singh, Rao Kishan Gopal & Rao Gopal Dev his commander-in-chief.
After assuming charge, Tula Ram organized the revenue department and collected revenue and taxes. He raised a force (about five thousand men) and set up a large workshop in the fort of Rampura where a substantial number of 'guns, gun-carriages, and other small Arms and ammunition were manufactured. The Rao enforced law and order and defended his State from outside attacks. These activities pleased Bahadur Shah and he confirmed Rao Tula Ram in his Jagirs of Rewari, Bhora and Shahjahanpur. Tula Ram in return rendered all possible help to Emperor Bahadur Shah and those rebels waging war against the British in Delhi. He sent Rs.45,000 through General Bakht Khanat such a critical time when non-payment of the salaries to the sepoys had caused great insecurity and anxiety, though this small sum did not improve the situation. The Rao also supplied the Delhi forces with large quantities of necessary commodities.
But this help could not protect Delhi which fall to the British on September 2O, 1857. Soon after Brigadier-General Showers led out a column (from Delhi) of 1,500 men with a light field battery, 18 two-pounder guns and two small mortars, "to attack and destroy Rao Tula Ram and his follower and to raze his fort (at Rewari)." The column had light skirmish with some Rewari-sowars on October 5 at Pataudi, 37 miles from Delhi. In the words of Hodson, who accompanied the column : "They fired at Our advance and bolted at speed." The column's next attack was direct, on Rewari which was still held by Rao Tula Ram.
The British column reached Rewari on October 6. The fort of Rewari (Rampura) was taken without any opposition. Immediately after the Occupation of the fort of Rewari, Brigadier-General Showers sent a messenger to Tula Ram telling him that if he submitted along with guns and arms, he would be treated on merits. But Tula Ram turned down the inducement. The British authorities at Delhi were alarmed by these developments. They sent a strong column comprising about 1,500 strong under Colonel Gerrard, an officer of conspicuous merit on November 10, 1857. The column reached Rewari three days later. They occupied the abandoned fort of Rampura. Here they were joined by two squadrons of the Carabineers.
After a few days rest at Rewari (Rampura), Colonel Gerrard proceeded to Narnaul via Kund reached there in the evening. In the night he was joined by the Haryana Field Force. On November 16, Gerrard marched to Narnaul. As the track was sandy, the column reached Nasibpur, a small village, two miles northwest of Narnaul and halted for a short rest. The rebel force, having abandoned their strong fort in the center of the town pounced on them. Rao Tula Ram's first charge was irresistible and the British forces scattered before them. The Patiala Infantry and the Multani Horse on the British left were completely disheartened. The whole of the right Bank tied. But at this juncture, the Guides and the Carabineers came to their rescue and saved the situations.
The English fire, especially of the artillery was too much for the rebels. The Guides and the Carabineers, under the cover of the artillery fire, made a heavy attack. Next, the 1st Bengal Fusiliers swooping upon the weak rebel Artillery, captured some of their guns. This encouraged the British cavalry on the right and they pressed through the Indian ranks and successfully overpowered them on right and in the center. But soon the situation took an Unexpected turn when Col. Gerrand, the British Commandant, was mortally wounded by a musket ball, with the result that the British too were demoralized. Taking full advantage of the circumstances, Rao Tula Ram swooped down upon them. The British could not stand the charge and the Multani Horse fled away in bewilderment. They recaptured their guns and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy. The right and the left wings of the British forces were thrown into confusion.
Appreciating the gravity of the situation Major Caulfield, the officiating British Commandant, ordered his artillery to start heavy bombardment and his cavalry and infantrymen to charge straight on with full force in to their front ranks. Rao Tula Ram's forces fought back furiously and stood their grounds. The British artillery fire, nevertheless, broke their backbone and split their forces into two parts-one engaged in the close quarter battle and the other fleeing to go out of the range of the British guns. Meanwhile Kishan Singh and Ram Lal, the two best commanders, received musket shots and died. This disheartened Rao Tula Ram's forces and they retreated. The British resumed advance until they came to a dry bed of a stream flowing between Nasibpur and Narnaul. The British guns were unable to cross the stream owing to sand, so they diverged to the right and took up a position near the Horse Artillery guns, whilst the 23rd Panjab Infantry and Patiala Infantry with other units of the cavalry crossed the stream and advanced towards the camp.
The heavy artillery and infantry fire confused Rao Tula Ram; and they ran pell-mell in all directions. Mostly, they retreated to the town and hide in the buildings. The pursuit of the fleeing soldiers was quick and inexorable, and they were very soon driven out of the town after a little fighting Rao Tula Ram lost the day and, when the sun went down, there remained none in Narnaul except heaps of corpses here and there. Though Tula Ram and Mohemmed Shamshad Khan of Mewat, Rao Sahab Tula Ram of Ghari Bolni, Raja Nahar Singh ji of Wallabh Garh & Nawab Abdul Samad Khan of JhaJJhar escaped, Rao Kishan Singh, Rao Ram Lal, Nawab Samad Khan's son and many other top-ranking officers were killed in action. The British captured nine guns and other arms. The total loss on the British side was 70 killed and 45 wounded. They lost their commander, Col. Gerrard and Capt. Wallace, while Lieutenants Graije, Kennedy and Pearse were severely wound.
The battle of Narnaul was undoubtedly one of the most decisive battles of the Uprising of 1857. The English felt jubilant over their success in this confrontation, for it resulted in the marked the Close of the crucial period of the struggle in the Haryana region and northern Rajasthan.
Flight and exile
After the battle, Rao Tula Ram moved into Rajasthan; then joined Tantya Tope's forces for one year. After the British proclamation of promising unconditional pardon, amnesty and oblivion to all offences against the British to all except those who directly or indirectly took part in the murder of British subjects (issued on November 1,1858). He sent a petition to the Governor-General, Lord Canning, on December 24, 1858. He stated that he considered himself "an offender, but as he looked up to the government as his protector, he begged to solicit that an inquiry might be directed to be instituted and that he As well as his followers pardoned." He was refused pardon for he was chief instigator and prime mover of revolt. He therefore, left India in 1862. He went to Iran; then to Afghanistan in the winter of 1862, where he died of dysentery at Kabul on 23 September 1863 at a young age of 38.
His cousin Gopal Dev also fled from Narnaul and took asylum with one of his relatives at Udairamsar, a village in Bikaner State. He stayed there in perfect secrecy for four years. Offers of surrender were made to him through his friends by the Deputy Commissioner of Gurgaon but he shunned all enquiries. In consequence, his Jagir of 41 villages was confiscated. He died in 1862. With the end of the revolt, the vengeance of the British started. Hundreds of people were hanged or shot dead and their villages burnt. Rao Tula Ram and Gopal Dev were dispossessed of their Jagirs.Pran Sukh Yadav,ally of Rao Tula Ram Yadav helped the kins of the dead soldiers by rehabilitating them near Narnaul.
अहिरवाल के सवतन्त्रता सेनानी राव तुलाराम जी के बारे में यह सूचना विकी पेडिया से ली गयी है.Thursday, April 23, 2009
jay baba rameshwar dass ji
Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the temple has a 10 feet high Shivling. It has a spacious hall with marble flooring and decorated walls. Marble idols of gods and goddess are arranged in the hall. The walls of the temple is adorned with painted idols and the morals of the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana and other religious epics. There is a huge idol (40 feet) of Lord Hanuman on the main entrance.
A beautiful Shiva temple is adjacent to the main temple. A large stone image of Nandi can be found in its premises.
No cash are accepted here. An annual fair is conducted on Ramnavami. Haryana Roadways provides bus services from Narnaul bus stand to this temple.
Inside the temple is a unique 10 feet high Shiv Linga that stands installed besides other
images of Lord Shiva. On the walls of the temple the preaching of the Gita, the Ramayana and other religious epics are written. The painted idols on walls and marble are unique. The idol of Lord Hanuman on the main entrance of the temple is so huge (having a height of 40 feet approximately) that probably it has no comparison in Northern India.
People of Haryana and Rajasthan have great devotion for Baba Rameshwar Dass. The devotees from all over India (mainly from Calcutta , Bombay , Ahemdabad , Delhi and Hyderabad and many other cities) come for having a glimpse of the' image of Baba and due to the help rendered by these devotees, this huge temple could be raised. The Baba came to this place in the beginning of 1963 and the construction work of this temple was started. The people of Bamanwas made available the land for the temple to the Baba. Thereafter, the amenities like electricity, water-supply and roads were provided.
Before the construction of this temple, Baba Rameshwar Dass had changed many places. In the initial stage he lived along with his Guru, Shri Nand Brahmehari at Shiv Kund located at the ridge of Dhosi. After the death of his Guru he constructed a big temple at village Bighopur in Narnaul Sub-Division and lived there. A fair is held annually on the occasion of Ram Navmi at village Bigopur. Thereafter, the Baba came to this place (Bamanwas) and got this temple constructed.
Main Festivity
A big fair is held annually on the occasion of Ram Navmi when lakhs of devotees from various parts of the country participate. The most peculiar feature of the temple is that no cash donations are accepted there.
How To Get There
Both Haryana and Rajasthan Governments have constructed metalled roads in their respective areas up to this temple.
Posted by Anil yadav Ph 9417608177
village Bigopur ( Narnaul )
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Punjab 5th Pay Commission Report - Correction
website link:-
Monday, April 20, 2009
5th pay commission punjab
Fifth Punjab Pay Commission submits report, 27 percent average hike for all employees.
You can also view/download the full transcript of the 5th pay commission report from Punjab Govt. official website at the following link below:
Website Link: